Our Process for Creating Quality Wood Products


Milling Logs into Lumber

Our process begins with a log that is provided by our customers or one that we acquired and saved from going into a landfill.  The log is loaded onto the TimberKing Sawmill and prepared for cutting into live edge slabs, large timbers, or dimensional lumber.  Once the log is cut into live edge slabs or lumber it begins the drying process by air drying, drying in our Solar Kiln, or drying in our Nyle Dry kiln down to a moisture content of 8 percent.  Once dried dimensional lumber is planned using our wood thickness planner.  Large wood slabs tend to cup or warp during the drying process which will need flattening prior to sanding and finishing.  Our thickness sander can sand both dimensional lumber or large live edge wood slabs.  Contact us for pricing on rates for Saw-milling, Slab Flattening, Wood Planning, or Finish Sanding. 

Air drying White Oak prior to Kiln drying to minimize case hardening of the wood.

Wood Air Drying Prior To Kiln Drying

Oak Lumber drying in Solar Kiln

Solar Wood Drying Kiln


Nyle Wood Drying Kiln

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Wood Slab Flattening

woman with woodwork

Dimensional Lumber Planning

38 Inch Woodmaster Sander/15 inch Jet Thickness Planer

Wood Thickness Sander